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24013_Natural_AntonioMedina_Guatemala (UK)

24013_Natural_AntonioMedina_Guatemala (UK)

Regular price £14.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £14.50 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

% retail bag
mass_in_bag = 200g

% what, where, who
post_harvest_process = natural
producing_country = guatemala
cultivar_variety = caturra, bourbon
producer = antonio medina
farm = la colina
supplier = primavera

% flavour
flavours = [‘cranberry’ , ‘jasmine’]
acidity = moderate-to-high(+0.5)
bitterness = moderate(0.0)
fruitiness = moderate-to-high(+0.5)

% what legal told us to include
coffee_species = arabica
coffee_batch = 24013

% what primavera want you to know
La Colina farm, translated into “The Hill”, is called like this because of the elevations of the land, and the hill on which it is located. This lot represents a collaboration between Antonio and the team that works at Primavera’s dry mill in Santa Rosa, Guatemala. They begin the day of picking as early as possible, and only select the most ripe cherries off the branches. The cherries are placed into sacks to be transported via truck, a journey that takes all night. The next morning at dawn, the cherries arrive at the dry mill in Santa Rosa. There, the sacks are weighed and then the cherries are washed. While being cleaned, the floating cherries that rise to the top are sorted out. Then, the cherries that remain are placed on raised drying beds in the sun. The natural coffee spends about 15 days in direct sun, about 11 hours per day. Once the coffee is testing within specifications for coffee export, 9-11.5% humidity, they remove the coffee from the beds and place it into clean sacks. Finally, it will be dehulled in the dry mill and placed into Grainpro and jute sacks for export.”

% whole beans
Coffee is sold as whole beans (not ground). Coffee will be fulfilled and shipped out within 1 week after ordering and not more than 4 weeks after roasting at the time of fulfilment.

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