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24016_AnoxicWashed_Shyira_Rwanda (UK)

24016_AnoxicWashed_Shyira_Rwanda (UK)

Regular price £15.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £15.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

% retail bag
mass_in_bag = 200g

% what, where, who  
post_harvest_process = anoxic washed
producing_country = rwanda  
cultivar_variety = red bourbon
station = shyira
supplier = raw material

% flavour
flavours = [ ‘fig’ , ‘lychee’ ]  
acidity = moderate-to-high(+0.5)  
bitterness = moderate(0.0)  
fruitiness = moderate(0.0)

% what legal told us to include
coffee_species = arabica
coffee_batch = 24016

% post_harvest_process exploration
coffee from the Shyira washing station this year is again, unbelievable. to the point where i almost secured all five versions of their red bourbon, wherein post-harvest processes included washed, anoxic washed, honey, natural and anoxic natural. honestly speaking, it would have been amazing to get all five, however i resisted and chose three that had the biggest variation in flavour. 

% what raw material want you to know 
After receiving cherries, only the best quality are selected through hand-picking and floating. They are placed in cleaned fermentation tanks, covered with a sheet, and submerged in cool water to create an anoxic environment for 48-hour fermentation. The water acts as a sealant and heat exchange, maintaining a stable 25°C by evaporating excess heat. Temperature is monitored, and hot water is added to the water pillow if needed. Post-fermentation, the water and sheet are removed, and the coffee is rinsed, pulped, washed, and graded. Finally, the beans are sun-dried 4–8 hours daily and dried on raised beds for 2–3 weeks.

% whole beans
Coffee is sold as whole beans (not ground). Coffee will be fulfilled and shipped out within 1 week after ordering and not more than 4 weeks after roasting at the time of fulfilment.

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